Our Blog — from our Staff and Community
Reflections & Meditations
Thoughts to challenge us through this rapidly evolving world and scripture to guide and ground us along this journey.
In the Midst of Storms
God comes to us in the midst of the storms of this life saying, “Take heart. It is I. Do not be afraid.”
Hymn of the Week: Precious Lord, Take My Hand
As you can hear in the soulful rendition of this hymn by Phil Campbell, “Precious Lord” is a powerful and reassuring affirmation of the strength and compassion of our Lord. No matter our need, God is there “through the storm, through the night” to “lead [us] home.”
Hymn of the Week: “There is a Balm in Gilead”
Is there no balm in Gilead?
Is there no physician there?
Why then is there no healing for the wounds of my people?
Summer is Here, Whether it Feels Like it Or Not
As summer comes upon us and the rhythms of life change with the long days and warmer temperatures, don’t forget that one of the benefits of virtual weekly prayers is that they are “on demand” — portable and ready when you are ready to have a quiet few moments of reflection.
One Difficult Week after Another
We want to make a sustained effort at Epiphany, with grace and humility, to be open to understanding our society's systems of oppression and the ways we unconsciously participate. Whatever your response has been this last week or two, you are welcome to the conversation to sort it out faithfully in community.
This Journey is Long but the Destination Great
As more businesses reopen in Rhode Island during Phase II of the state plan, churches are permitted to open for in-person worship at 25% capacity with all physical distancing precautions in place. As St. Paul wrote, “while something may be lawful, it is not necessarily beneficial.”
Looking ahead but staying grounded
Several years ago, the Vestry and I presented these three values as our guide posts for our common life: creativity, compassion and connection. They are guiding us now during this pandemic more than ever.
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Parish news, events, Hymn of the week, and thoughts from Reverend Jen. Stay mindful, stay challenged, and receive inspiration directly to your inbox.