Adult Formation

A prayer by Thomas Cranmer reminds us that since the beginning of the Anglican tradition, the regular study of scripture has been central: “Grant that we may … hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them,” Cranmer prayed.

Options for Adult Formation


We are all students of Christ — reading, discussing, and remembering the stories passed down gives us new eyes to understand our world and live more deeply and truly in everyday life. 


Bible Study: Sunday mornings at 11:15 in the Living Room on the lower level. This long-running lay-led group offers deep dives into one book of the Bible at a time.

Adult Formation: Scheduled Sundays at 11:15am in the Parish Hall. We gather to learn about Scripture, prayer, history, current topics and other issues of interest. We also welcome guest presenters to share their gifts and passions in their everyday lives that have been inspired by their faith. Two-three week series are hosted during major seasons of the year such as Advent, Lent and Easter. Come and learn something new about your friends in the pew and hear how God has moved them in their lives.

Adult Book Club: During the summer of 2020 after an intense spring and early summer of protests for racial equality, the Book Club reconvenes around “So You Want to Talk about Race?” by Ijeoma Oluo and “How to be an Anti-Racist” by Ibram X. Kendi.

Volunteer Leadership Positions at Epiphany: Vestry and Ministry Team Leaders need new volunteers all the time. Members rotate on and off to ensure that we are hearing from as many community members as possible. Talk to any of our current leaders about volunteer opportunities.

More than just Sundays

Some of the most important spiritual formation takes place beyond Sunday morning. Finding ways to recognize and love God in daily life is a critical and life-giving practice. Special events throughout the year build community, love, and empathy for our world.

Some special events include:

  • Phil Campbell’s Music Series — Musicals, music, history, and trivia

  • Maundy Thursday — Church family meal with food prepared by our Youth, traditional washing of feet and solemn stripping of the altar

  • Simple Table: Dinner churches

  • Summer Holy Hikes

  • Mass on the Grass

  • Parents’ Night Out

  • Fundraising Community Events — Chowder House, “Drive-In Movie” Night

  • Blessing of the Animals (October)

  • Advent Labyrinth Nights

  • Contemplative “Blue Christmas” service
