Community Labyrinth Garden
In the spring and summer of 2021, parishioner Liam Dee and his Boy Scout Troop #3 completed his Eagle Scout Project at Church of the Epiphany: the creation of a community labyrinth garden as a place of rest and prayer for all who may wander by and all who may need a moment to rest in the peace of the Sacred. It is modeled after the 13th century labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral in France. Christians throughout the centuries have used it as a way of centering and walking prayer, a wandering journey of life into the center, symbolizing the embrace of the loving heart of God.
The labyrinth is a pilgrimage with a single, winding path to the center. Much like life’s winding road.
Pause and bow at the beginning to honor the Sacred in you and in all things.
You may take off your shoes. For this is holy ground.
You may carry a stone or flower or other “offering” to lay in the center as symbol of your prayers.
Walk on the grass only.
Keep silence. Open your hands.
Step slowly and mindfully. You are walking with the Holy One.
Begin with an intention, a prayer request, a joy or a sorrow.
Walk rhythmically with your breathing.
As in life, sometimes you are nearer the center.
Other times you have suddenly wandered to the edges.
Sometimes you are alone and other times you are near people, even passing them.
It’s alright – keep walking.
“Solvitur ambulando. It is solved in the walking.” ~St. Augustine
Pause in the center. Sit or kneel, if you wish.
This symbolizes the heart of God – the point of perfect embrace, stillness and union.
When you feel moved, return on the same winding path by which you came.
Pause at the exit and give a small bow again in thanksgiving for what the journey has given you.
“The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started
and know it for the first time” ~T.S. Eliot