
When we talk about sacraments, we mean the outward and visible signs and rituals that impart the inward grace of God. The Holy Spirit uses the ordinary (bread, wine, water, oil, laying on of hands, prayer) to reveal the extraordinary love of God. For the church, there are specific sacraments or ways that God is revealed to us as we gather.

Celebrating Life’s Marking Moments with God and Community


Contact Reverend Jennifer Zogg at our office if you or your family would like more information about any of these holy observances.


We welcome all to receive the sacraments of God’s grace, especially at important marking moments in their lives. They are performed on Sundays at our regular worship service after consultation with the clergy.

Holy Eucharist or Communion is the celebration of Jesus’ life and resurrection in the offering, blessing, breaking and giving of bread and wine which we remember as Jesus’ Body and Blood given for us and for the life of the world. Approaching the altar with outstretched hands, we acknowledge our need of God’s help and receive God’s abundant grace.

Baptism, whether of infants, children, or adults, joins you to Jesus’ story and ushers you into a life of faith in the community of other Christians.

Funerals and memorial services are offered to anyone from any Christian tradition or background. Clergy is available and on-call for consultation at the time of death and before the time of death for prayer and counsel.

Weddings are offered for couples who are or have been members of the parish at some point in their lives or family members of parishioners. Other circumstances will be considered in consultation with the clergy.

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