About Epiphany
Whether you are passing through and looking for a new church home, or one of our congregation, all are welcome here for spiritual rest and nourishment.
Our community is many things. We are a place to worship God. We are a place to find safety and comfort. We are a place to be strengthened. We are a place to learn. We are a place to build friendships. We are a place to be challenged. We are a place to make God’s love known.
Our Mission
We welcome all for Christian worship, fellowship, and service, trusting God to transform our lives and the world.
A mission statement should always remind us of who we want to be as a community, defining what we do because of who we are. It is a “working” mission statement, subject to evolution as the spirit calls us to rise to new challenges.
Our Values
Parish Goals
Spiritual Formation & Practice: We will grow as Christians by learning and practicing spiritual habits that deepen our relationships with God and each other.
Stewardship: We seek to grow in gratitude, generosity and commitment to our church, each other, the wider community and God’s creation, by the wise use and offering of all our gifts of time, talent and treasure.
Community Connections: We will foster a fellowship of love and care where all are welcome in gracious hospitality and connections are built to support our lives and faith.
The Rev’d Jennifer Zogg, Rector
The Rev. Jennifer Zogg began her ministry as Rector of Epiphany in late May 2015. Please contact her with any pastoral concerns, questions about Christian faith or curiosities about life at Epiphany.
Beth Dench, Interim Parish Administrator
Beth will return to this position in a temporary way in March 2025 through July 2026 for about 10 hours a week. She will keep the parish running smoothly, coordinating our publications, including the Sunday bulletins and the weekly e-News. You will find her in the office, answering the phone and greeting our guests.
Interim Bookkeeper
This role is a new staff position to Epiphany and is being filled on a temporary, interim basis until a permanent staff person is identified in the summer of 2025. Daily financial operations and tracking will now be covered by an in-house staff member instead of a volunteer.
Mary Therese Martinez, Music Director
Mary Therese Martinez serves as choir director, organist and pianist at worship services. She welcomes new choir members, and enjoys expanding the repertoire of congregational singing while maintaining the cherished musical traditions of the parish. A native of Chicago, Mary Therese lives in Providence with her husband and looks forward to the visits of their three grown daughters, Liliana, Marina and Cecilia.

Believing that all people are ministers, our community relies on the work and service of many lay leaders, in addition to our clergy and staff. Leadership of our church resides in the Vestry. Members of the Vestry serve for three-year terms and Wardens serve for two-year terms.
Our Vestry meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
Bill Dench, Senior Warden
Jaime Davin, Jr. Warden
Kyle Guglielmo, Treasurer
Fran Motroni, Clerk
Erin McNeil
Jaime Davin
Lisa Pucino
Leo Fernandes
Ministry Team Leaders
The spiritual life and work of our community is organized into teams which oversee our ministry. They meet regularly to coordinate many aspects of our life together as a congregation. Anyone interested in participating in these ministries should contact members of the relevant team.
George Nunes, Chair
Meets first Tuesdays @ 7pm in the Living Room.
Youth Formation — Rector
Adult Formation — Rector
Kyle Guglielmo, Chair
Quarterly meetings as called by the Treasurer.
Outreach Ministries
Coordinator, Outreach Ministries — Maggie Holmes
Coordinators, Thrift Shop - Rhoda Bucci & Janice Johnson
We are proud to be the home of these community groups:
East End Theatre Co.
Formerly known as JDP Theatre Co, we welcomed this community youth theatre to our building in 2018 and have enjoyed their lively presence ever since! They host musicals throughout the year, dance and voice lessons, theatre workshops, summer and school vacation camps, and so much more serving children in elementary through high school and beyond. We are honored to serve as their rehearsal and lesson space.
Trinity Tabernacle Multi-cultural Outreach Ministries
In February 2022, Epiphany welcomed Trinity to use our sanctuary as their spiritual home on Sunday afternoons for worship and fellowship. They are a fantastic Christian community and we are blessed to be able to offer them the use of our space for their common life.
Our space is for rent! Find out more.