Care & Outreach

Our Ministries of Care, including our Outreach programs, allow us to share our resources, skills, time, and heart with those in need.

As the hands and feet of Jesus and with the power of the Holy Spirit, we strive to create a world that better reflects the love and justice of God’s realm.

Outreach & Ongoing Support


Opportunities come to our community and the community responds. When help is needed, Epiphany steps up.


Good Neighbors Food Pantry (formerly, Bread of Life): On the first Sunday of each month, donations are collected for the Bread of Life Food Pantry at Newman Congregational Church, just up the street in Rumford. In a typical month, 200 households receive assistance. Volunteer opportunities are also available. Activities include transporting donations, stocking pantry shelves, shopping for additional items, transporting supplies from The RI Food Bank, and greeting customers. Contact the Parish Office to volunteer.

This & That Thrift Shop: Started by Europa Sherburne, The Church of Epiphany Thrift Shop has been in operation for over 55 years. Stop by for great bargains and friendly service — or drop off donations at any time. Open Saturdays 10 a.m.-1 p.m., closed for Summers through Labor Day.

Christmas Gifts for Children: Through a partnership with East Bay Community Action we provide upwards of 70 children with clothing, educational supplies and toys for Christmas. We also collects hats, mittens and socks for distribution to adult East Bay CAP clients.

Specific Collections for Area Organizations: We have collected children’s books for East Providence summer programs, diapers for a local food pantry and coats for the winter months. In this way, we can meet specific needs and support local non-profits doing direct work in the community.


Proud to have launched a much-needed Ministry

Church Beyond the Walls is a street church community called to build solidarity among people from all walks in life in Jesus’ name. It was founded in Burnside Park, downtown Providence, by the former Assistant Rector at Epiphany with support from many parishioners. It has become an independent, specialized ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island. Please visit Church Beyond the Walls for more information about how to support this ministry.

Ministries of Care


More volunteer opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life during a time of need.

Healing Prayer: Members of the healing prayer team get together to collectively pray for members of the congregation, their friends and family, when they need it most.

Prayer Shawls: For those that enjoy knitting, Prayer Shawls are knitted, blessed and presented to individuals who are in need of care. The shawls are a beautiful representation of being wrapped in Christ’s love.

Visitation: A number of our members are homebound. Parishioners maintain communication, schedule visits and keep these precious individuals active within the life of the parish whenever they may be.

Meals to Members: For those that enjoy cooking, this ministry coordinates meals for those who might be struggling with shopping or preparation. It could be for new mothers, those in bereavement, or those struggling with employment.

Coffee Hour Hosts: We gather in the parish hall after Sunday service for coffee, snacks, and fellowship. Food preparation, hospitality, and clean-up are activities that are best shared with two or more people.

New Member Welcome: Special congregation members ensure that new and visiting attendees feel welcome and can answer any questions one may have.

Greeters, Ushers, Altar servers: These positions are always open to new volunteers after some light training.

Worship Teams

The Worship Team consists of a number of ministries that come together to provide a meaningful worship space and service. Anyone is welcome to become involved in the ways that highlight their skill, personality, or interest.

An Eucharistic Ministers prepare the sanctuary for our services. They are Eucharistic Ministers and other talented parishioners who take care of the altar linens and vestments, make sure that the needed supplies are in place, and decorate the space for special times in the church year.

The Eucharistic Ministers also assist the priest in preparing and serving the Eucharist to the congregation. Lectors bring the lessons alive with their oral presentations. Our young people work with Rev’d Jen to serve as acolytes — children age 8 and up should speak with her about training.

The greeters warmly welcome everyone into the church; they provide the first impression that many visitors receive when entering. The ushers provide everyone with bulletins and assist people with seating and other needs they my have during the service. After each service the ushers straighten up the sanctuary.

Eucharistic Visitors take communion to those who are unable to attend in person; they may also provide some companionship to those who live alone. The Healing Ministry provides prayer for those seeking healing. Team members are at the back of the church during the time that communion is distributed at both the 8 & 10am services. They are also available for individual prayer by appointment.

Following the teachings of Jesus and faithfully upholding our baptismal promises, Epiphany steadfastly affirms the belovedness of every person and supports the full inclusion and human rights of the LGBTQ and Trans communities. We declare that Black Lives Matter and pledge ourselves to the work of anti-racism individually and systemically.  

The Progress Pride flag represents each of these commitments with a rainbow (LGBTQ), a black/brown triangle (Black Lives Matter) and a pink/blue stripe (Trans rights).

Read a recent statement in support of Trans rights from a meeting of Episcopal Bishops, March 2022.

To our most vulnerable communities, we hear you.

Support Epiphany with your time, skills, and monthly offering.