Support Epiphany
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Jesus demanded that his followers serve not wealth but God. He taught that God holds us each accountable for what we do with our earthly possessions. Making a pledge to Church of the Epiphany signals that your heart is in this faith community.
Annual Parish Funding Campaign 2025:
Open Hearts, Open Doors:
Epiphany is a Generous place, with a Loving Heart!
WE OPEN OUR DOORS — to children, the arts, a
worshipping community, Girl Scouts, individuals,
livestreaming, music, prayer, worship, tears and laughter,
memorials and baptisms, spiritual formation.
WE OFFER OUR TIME & TALENT — to Good Neighbors
Food Pantry, the Thrift Shop, knitting prayer shawls,
intercessory prayer, visiting the sick, singing, cooking
meals and teaching children.
WE OPEN OUR HEARTS — to Jesus, each other,
any in need, those who search, and we open them to
Love, Justice and Peace.
To receive annual giving materials for 2025, please contact the Church Office.
To make a one-time gift, use the “Give through OnRealm” button at the top of the page.
Annual Campaign
The Church of the Epiphany’s stewardship commission embraces the concept of stewardship as a way of Christian life. Jesus calls us to be good, mindful, prayerful stewards of all the blessings we’ve been given. That includes our time, talent and yes, treasure.
We remind ourselves that stewardship touches all aspects of our lives and is a year-round responsibility, both toward the church community and in our everyday choices. As a congregation we are centered in liturgy, focused on formation and discipleship, and we strive to proclaim the love and healing power of God through our ministry and mission. From this spirit-led foundation Epiphany reaches out to the local community with Love, Hope and Faith.
Each October we focus on the financial stewardship of Epiphany’s resources. We ask parishioners to make thoughtful, prayerful, and intentional commitments of financial support to the ministry and mission of Epiphany. The pledge campaign is our “annual fund”; it determines the operating budget that keeps the church going twenty four hours of the day, every day of the year.
We ask our congregants to renew their annual financial commitment and increase their generosity, when possible.
Why should I make an annual Sustaining Gift?
The process of making a prayerful commitment is an act of worship, an expression of gratitude and praise to God. Pledging/Sustained Giving allows you to make intentional decisions about your financial giving. When you plan ahead for your giving, you make conscious choices about spending your money in ways that reflect your faith and values.
A pledge commitment allows the church to budget, and offers a clear sense of our financial footing at any time. Receiving your pledge allows our Vestry, the church’s governing board, sets a budget based on the total amount pledged to the church. While plate offerings are important to the parish, your pledge lets the Vestry plan more accurately for the ministry we can accomplish.
What is expected of me?
The important thing is to give to God a proportion of your income that appropriately reflects your means, and that your offerings express both your desire to serve the Lord and your investment in God’s work.
The Bible teaches us to give the first 10% of what we earn to God (the “tithe”). For some, giving one tenth is a very difficult goal. For others, it is the starting point, and their giving far exceeds it. Begin by determining what percentage of your income you are giving to God. If you are not yet tithing, consider taking a step towards it. If you now give 2% of your income, consider increasing your gift to 2.5 or 3%. And remember that 10% may be divided between gifts to your parish home and other charities aligned with our faith.
What if an unforseen financial hardship affects my family?
God honors your faithfulness and your acceptance at Church of the Epiphany is not based upon your capacity to give. Don’t let your inability to give at an uncertain time keep you from worship. Let a member of the Vestry know about your circumstances and we will change our budgetary expectations accordingly. We will always pray for and support you.
Which payment method is preferred?
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is the easiest, most cost-effective giving option for both you and the church. Through OnRealm, giving can occur weekly or monthly as you prefer. Payments on your terms means they will have minimal effect on your families budget. Additionally, the church will receive gifts on a regular basis, even if you are out of town or you forget one week which helps our budgeting.
OnRealm can also handle special occasion giving on high holidays for flowers, decorations, or special remembrances.
Other Ways to Support Epiphany
A simple way to make a planned gift is by naming the Church of Epiphany in your will. A bequest is a meaningful way to support our work without affecting your cash flow during your lifetime. Your attorney can include it when you prepare or revise your will or you can add a codicil at any time. More about Bequests
Memorial Gifts
A special way to remember and celebrate loved ones, living or deceased. All gifts are recorded in the church’s Memorial Book, which tells the joyful history of the work God is doing among us through the generosity of our benefactors. Contact our Treasurer or Rector about a new Memorial Gift