Honoring our Heritage,
Investing in Mission
Renovation Complete!
We’ve done it!! Renovation work was completed in time for Christmas 2021 and final details were wrapped up in January 2022!
We are so grateful to have returned to worshipping in our sanctuary and look forward to sharing it with all who attend worship as well as the wider community through rental opportunities.
Thanks be to God!
Progress Updates:
Week of December 27
The final weeks of December saw a quick and complete transformation of our sanctuary into a space ready to use and celebrate! Our chandeliers were installed early in the week and the lighting makes all the difference in the warmth of the room. Flooring was completed just before Christmas Eve including all the wood tile and carpet throughout. A strong cadre of volunteers spent the night before Christmas Eve cleaning from top to bottom, moving chairs into the space, bringing back furniture and finishing painting touchups. By New Year’s Day we had returned a few of our original pews to the Narthex and sanctuary and we’d created a new chapel in the rear with the whole set of altar, cross and thurible stand crafted years ago for us by Jean LeBreux. There are some minor finishes in the new year including reconnecting our organ console and mounting a tv screen in the corner to facilitate multi-media offerings. We are thrilled to begin worshipping in the renewed sanctuary in the new year.
Week of December 13
The last several weeks have seen loads of progress! This week the tile part of the flooring was installed. In the previous weeks of December, our pulpit and lectern were reinstalled along with the railings next to each. Carpentry details were attended to on the altar rail and new kneeling cushions were commissioned. In the coming week before Christmas, the carpet will be installed, final lighting connected, furniture moved back in and Christmas decorations hung. Surely there will be details to attend to into the new year, but the vast majority of the project will be done in the coming days. We look forward to welcoming you back very soon!
Week of November 22
In the week and a half before the Thanksgiving holiday, the sanctuary was entirely repainted. All surfaces received a refreshing new coat of paint - a warm white/cream for the walls of the nave and a bright white for the shutters, trim and altar areas. In addition, we also repainted the pulpit, lectern and (wooden) baptismal font as well as the hallway by the sacristy and all our interior doors. Everything looks clean and fresh!
Week of November 8
It has been a big week in the sanctuary! Carpentry work was completed. The first step of the altar area was extended to make more space. The old “paper” covering in the triangle above the altar was removed and made solid with plywood. That strange “screen” on the right side of the altar rail was removed and solidified also. Other odds ‘n’ ends were completed and we are ready for painting to begin next week.
Week of October 29
Electrical work including the installation of new track lighting over the altar and narthex, new fixtures and fans and new dimming switches took place this week. Carpentry should begin this week.
Week of October 15
Asbestos Abatement Completed Successfully! We received good news on Monday that our air quality samples came back clean after the asbestos tile was removed. The abatement company dismantled their containment structures and we are on to the next phase of work which includes carpentry and electrical. Our carpenter is building out the altar rail, making the “paper” triangle solid above the altar and a few other odds n’ ends. The electrician has an extensive amount of work replacing fixtures and running new wiring for additional lights.
Week of October 8
Asbestos Abatement Continuing. The critical environmental piece of our renovation was in full swing this week removing carpet and tiles throughout the sanctuary. Work will continue at least through this coming week. Hazardous materials are contained in barrels and taken off site each day for proper disposal according to state regulations. During this time, the sanctuary side of the building is inaccessible with hallway doors closed.
Week of October 1
Pews have found new homes! Many thanks to Phil Campbell who arranged for local master woodworkers to take most of our former pews. They carefully and reverently removed them from the sanctuary last week and will give them new life — thanks be to God! Four are retained in the Parish Hall, sanctuary entrance hall and downstairs. We are working to make several more into permanent sanctuary furniture for us as well.
Asbestos Abatement Began Thursday. The critical environmental piece of our renovation began on Thursday morning and will carry on for about three weeks.
New Air Conditioning Units Needed. We learned this summer that one of our two A/C units for the sanctuary had burned out and is no longer operational after 20+ years of use. We need to replace both units at this time with functional, energy efficient units. The Vestry approved the expense adding $27,000 of unexpected costs to our Renovation project. Your generous financial support is needed more than ever to help us fund this additional cost.
Week of September 26
Moving Day this Sunday! We hope you’ll come prepared to help empty the sanctuary in preparation for work to begin this week (wear work clothes and bring gloves!) Enjoy coffee hour and fellowship for a bit and then head back to the sanctuary to get started. Leaders will direct you what to remove, in what order and where it will be stored downstairs. Please ask for instructions. Thank you for lending a hand!
The Goals of our Renovation
In planning for this renovation project, we had many impediments that needed to be overcome and redesigned, such as:
Environmental Remediation — Our vinyl tile in the Sanctuary space contains asbestos
Poor lighting — The chandeliers are original to the space and low luminance but also low efficiency. Lighting above the altar is also poor
HVAC — Our fans are not sized properly for the space and the amount of air that should be moved due to increased COVID safety standards. The two primary sanctuary air-conditioning units also need to be replaced
Fixed seating — During COVID we realized that our fixed pews made social distancing more difficult. In thinking about the future of our space, flexible seating became an important aspect
With those impediments, we came to a design — through the help of professionals and volunteers — that would help us achieve the following:
A safer space for all — Asbestos removal, better lighting, and improved air circulation are better for all. Additionally, the reconfiguration of the altar rail allows clergy and support members to more safely exit the altar area
Creative & meaningful holy day worship experiences — chairs can be rearranged to facilitate new ways to configure worship
Community support — The ability to host recitals and concerts, lectures, and community programs or offer our space to displaced parishes in need of a home
Multimedia support — Digital displays will support worship and new AV equipment will support live-streaming services to those who can not attend in person