Trying Outdoor Worship Services next Month

Dear Epiphany,

We are pleased to announce there will be two weekends in August when we will gather for outdoor worship!

Over the last several months, the Reopening Team appointed by the Vestry has been working hard to plan for an opportunity to regather in-person for some type of worship. We will NOT be reentering the building for worship in the foreseeable future. Church services are consistently in the highest-rated categories of risk according to experts and we are not willing to put one another at risk in that way. We will continue to be flexible and creative about offering meaningful virtual worship and content to support your spiritual life through these days.

Outdoor Worship Opportunities at Epiphany:

Choose ONE

Sunday, August 9, 9:30 a.m. OR Saturday, August 15, 5 p.m.

Virtual worship will continue as normal these Sundays for those who, for whatever reasons (risk, health, etc) cannot, should not or do not wish to attend. The decision to attend is a personal one based on your risk category and comfort level right now.

The lawn is more shaded in the evening and we thought the evening time would appeal to some people as much as the morning.

Here’s what you should know about how we are preparing to gather and what it will be like when you arrive:

  • CHOOSE ONE DATE to attend.

  • PRE-REGISTER by choosing a date or calling Beth at the office.

  • BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR/BLANKET/SUN PROTECTION, none will be provided and many will likely be in the sun (especially in the morning).

  • CHECK-IN WITH THE USHER opposite the parking lot when you arrive and certify that you are symptom free.

  • WEAR YOUR MASK AT ALL TIMES over your nose and mouth from exiting to reentering your vehicle.

  • SEATING will be designated for individuals and couples/families in 10’x10’ squares that are spaced 6’ apart.

  • NO Holy Eucharist will be celebrated and NO music will be provided.

  • BRING YOUR DEVICE TO READ THE BULLETIN. Few paper bulletins will be printed so we prefer you use your own phone, tablet, Kindle, etc to follow along.

  • NO coffee hour or social time will take place after worship and participants will remain in their seats at all times.

I would like to thank our Reopening Team (Scott Haggerty, J Hogue, Kristen Dee, Pam Harrop and Linda Mendonca) for their ongoing input and planning work to make this possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at by email or by phone (401-680-0155).

Yours in Christ,
Rev’d Jen


Hymn of the Week: “Steal Away to Jesus”


Hymn of the Week: “There is a Balm in Gilead”