While we May Not Travel, We Should Still Vacation

Worship will remain the same this Sunday and next while I take some time off next week. You’ll see me on both worship videos this Sunday and July 5, even as I’ll be “away” the week between. I’ve just worked ahead.

I had planned some time away in the spring, but those plans were canceled. I’d hoped to take some extended time for continuing education conferences and travel this summer. Those plans, too, have been canceled.

Yet, I still find myself tired, sometimes short on patience and often low on creativity after switching so many gears and confronting so many crises this spring. That’s always a sign some time away is needed. Maybe you are feeling the same as you’ve had to cancel plans and readjust the structures of your life.

Vacation days have a strange meaning this summer for all of us. Is it vacation when you can’t really go anywhere? When there is no change of scenery, no one special to visit? If you are lucky to still be working, taking take time off is a necessity. We’ve all heard of the merits of stay-cations. Those seemed more exotic when they were the exception and not the norm. Nonetheless, I plan to discover the (physically-distanced) outdoor joys of our state and tackle some little projects around the house next week. There’s nothing wrong, I’m told, with lazy mornings reading on the porch either. If you have figured out some safe ways for you and your family to get out of town, then enjoy the change of scenery!

Like most everything else, we are redefining “vacation days” this year. Whatever you do, I pray your vacation days will contain enough familiar activities to be easy and restful, but a little novelty to make them interesting and fun!

Be well, get some rest and I’ll see you in a few Sundays – even if you’ll “see” me in the meantime!

Yours in Christ, Rev’d Jen


Hymn of the Week: “There is a Balm in Gilead”


Summer is Here, Whether it Feels Like it Or Not