Rector’s Sabbatical Announcement

May 20, 2022

Dear Epiphany,

As we mentioned in the 2022 Annual Meeting, Jennifer was scheduled to take sabbatical time in 2020 and had to postpone that time due to the pandemic. We are glad to announce that she is now planning for that sabbatical to take place this year beginning in August through October. Clergy sabbaticals are opportunities for reflection, study and renewal away from the daily demands of parish business. They are also opportunities for leadership building and learning for the parish community. The Diocese of Rhode Island requires parishes to offer sabbatical leave to Rectors every five years, so Epiphany has been planning financially for this time by saving a small amount of money every month for the last seven years.

You are invited to join the Vestry and Rev’d Jen for a Community Coffee and Conversation about this sabbatical on Pentecost Sunday, June 5 at 11am after worship.

            There will be more details upcoming about supply coverage and what you can expect in parish life during the sabbatical months. At the Bishop’s visitation last week, you likely heard him explain that in our diocese, as well as many others, that supply clergy are not readily available. There will be a patchwork of Sunday supply clergy and lay led Morning Prayer. During the pandemic we became accustomed to liturgical flexibility, often not having Eucharist frequently, so se learned how to worship in a variety of modes. This is a chance to practice what we learned.

            Pastoral emergencies will be covered by other clergy colleagues in the area on a rotating basis. Our Parish Administrator and Executive Committee will have information about who that person is on any given week.  We hope to appoint new Eucharistic Visitors to bring to Communion to our homebound members. Jennifer and the Executive Committee will also do a good deal of work ahead of time in the early summer on things like the fall Stewardship Campaign, creating weekly bulletins and putting in place other systems and volunteers to cover the many tasks that have fallen exclusively to the Rector in recent years. The Vestry has been working to identify these structures and needs over the last several months.

Together this can be a time of spiritual growth for everyone. The Holy Spirit has given us all gifts for the work of ministry in the world. We trust God will lead us through this sabbatical time of rest and reflection so we may hear the voice of the Spirit leading us forward.

Yours in Christ,

Rev’d Jen & the Vestry


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